Local Laws & House Rules

Local Laws & House Rules

Your signatures confirm your understanding and agreement to local laws & fines Maximum Occupancy:  The maximum number of adults approved during your stay are: ______ The maximum number of children approved during your stay are: ______ Parking:  The maximum number of cars you may park at the home at any time is: ______ All vehicles may only be parked in the paved driveway or in a garage if provided. Parking is prohibited in city streets.

The rules are strictly enforced by the city, county, RnR Vacation Rentals & homeowner associations.

1. Never exceed the occupancy above at any time of day.

2. Parking is prohibited on any city street or on unpaved surfaces. Your parking is restricting to the paved driveway and garage (if provided).

3. The City and County Vacation Rental Ordinances prohibits noise outside the home between 10:00 PM and 8:00 AM and guests are to be respectful and keep noise to a minimum at all hours.

4. Do not use inappropriate language outside the home at any time and be considerate to all neighbors.

5. The City and County Vacation Rental Ordinances prohibits hot tub use between 10:00 PM and 8:00 AM

6. Camping or sleeping outside is not allowed at vacation rental homes.

7. Open flame fires are prohibited by the City, County, and Home Owner Associations (HOAs).

8. You may not exceed the maximum occupancy and parking limits set by RnR Vacation Rentals. These limits may be less than the maximum permitted by the City and County.

9. Never leave trash outside the house unless in a curb-side “bear box” (if provided at the home). Fines for violating the above rules:

Violation of these rules is subject to severe fines. The city will issue a $1,000 citation for violations of the rules below, plus you will be responsible for paying any fines assessed to the homeowner for your violation, including $1,000 by the city and up to $1000 by the Property Owner’s Association. This could result in fines to you over $3,000. You are liable for all fines/citations issued to you directly by law enforcement, the city or county, or a home owner’s association, and you agree to pay RnR Vacation Rentals for all fines assessed to the homeowners and/or RnR Vacation Rentals as a result of your violation. A $500 fine will be charged for any violation confirmed by RnR Vacation Rentals that does not result in a citation by the city, county, or home owner’s association.

I acknowledge the above rules and agree to pay any fines for violating these rules.

Printed Name:________________________ Date:_______________________

Signature: _____________________________

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